For over 33 years, DC Safety custom designed Automotive First Aid Kits have been the standard in the industry.

Reasons to Include a Kit

Every year the number of injuries on our highways increase. But even beyond the highway, the world is a dangerous place. Wherever you are, chances are your vehicle is close by. Having a First Aid, or any other Emergency Preparedness Kit is not only a benefit during unfortunate incidents, but brings peace of mind to vehicle owners.

Emergency preparedness kits are a logical extension of the vehicle’s safety features. Incorporating such kits provides many benefits including:

  • Building Brand Loyalty
  • Increasing Customer Goodwill
  • Creating a Competitive Advantage
  • Added Value at Point-of-Sale
Exporting Vehicles?

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on DC Safety's Export Kits

Reasons to Choose DC Safety

DC Safety is dedicated to the automotive industry. More than just a supplier, DC Safety is focused on customer service and forming a true partnership with our customers. We understand the needs of high volume production lines, tight deadlines, and strict product quality guidelines.

Since 1975 we have grown steadily to include the largest names in the industry. And we are proud to claim we still have our very first customer.

Did You Know?

First aid kits are highly recommended by all emergency, disaster & safety agencies. In fact many countries require first aid and emergency preparedness kits by law.
If you are considering exporting vehicles for sale please visit our Export Kits page for more information.